Follow along as we share the journey of building a new home, building a nest chapter four! We will be moving in a few weeks!

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, White Brick with White Trim Cedar Beams, Exterior Farmhouse, Build A Nest Chapter Four

Building A Nest Chapter Four

Hi y’all! Well it is so hard to believe that the house is pretty much done! We actually did our tape walk through over the weekend and the last few touch ups will take place the next few weeks.

If you’re new here, you can click here to see our building a nest process.

Building A Nest Chapter Four
Video Tour

Building A Nest Chapter 4, Cottage Farmhouse, White Brick Farmhouse with White Trim and Cedar Beams

I took a few pictures on our last visit that I thought y’all might enjoy. The house looks pretty but it’s also pretty plain Jane inside! I know adding in our furniture, rugs, and home accent pieces will really make it look and feel like home. And then I can slowly start working on little projects here and there to add in some character!

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, White Brick with White Trim Cedar Beams, Exterior Farmhouse

Do you love the white brick with the cedar beam accents? I think I’ll be putting in some pretty faux flowers in the window boxes and I think it will look so charming!

I also thought about adding some sage green shutters to the large window and the smaller window above the garage. About a month after our exterior was finished, another home in the community with the same elevation painted their home exactly like ours, including the cedar beams and window boxes. So now I really want to add the shutters. 😊

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, White Brick with White Trim Cedar Beams, Exterior Farmhouse, Sage Green Shutters, Copper Lanterns, Build A Nest Chapter Four

Here is a quick mock up of what I was kind of thinking. Do you think the shutters would look pretty? I feel like the shutters add that cozy cottage look that I really love. What do you think? I also slipped some copper lanterns on to because I think those would be so pretty to add eventually.

I’m also thinking about painting our front door. There was a mix up and it got stained really dark, so then they tried to lighten it and I’m not sure I like how it’s looking. I think a painted front door would look nice for a little color and to help break up all the cedar. Do you?

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, Wood Tile Floors, Modern Farmhouse Venthood, Quaterfoil Backsplash, Build A Nest Chapter Four

This photo is looking toward the front hall/door. The color of the floors is pretty true to the coloring in the photo. They look a tiny bit warmer in the photo, but I love the warmth they add without being too red/orange.

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, Wood Tile Floors, White Farmhouse Sink

I had to show you part of the farmhouse sink. We love it so much!

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, Wood Tile Floors

This is looking from the island to the back of the home. I love this wall of windows!

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, Wood Tile Floors, Modern Farmhouse Venthood, Quaterfoil Backsplash

And this is probably my favorite view! I love the open concept kitchen and living area and I can’t wait to add in a rug and redo the new table I picked up off Facebook Marketplace for our dining area!

I also love the large entryway. Don’t you think that big opening needs some really big, old, chippy corbels?

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, Wood Tile Floors, Modern Farmhouse Venthood, Quaterfoil Backsplash

I also really like the cabinets under the kitchen windows. That is so much great storage. And the counter will be such a fun place to decorate!

I’m planning to hang two pendant lights over the island, but I haven’t found anything that jumps out at me yet. I can’t decide if I want to do some crystal chandeliers or something different. I’ll be putting two big metal pendants in the entryway, so I want something a little different for the island.

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, Wood Tile Floors, Modern Farmhouse, Tiled Mantle

I like how the tile looks on the fireplace. We are going to mount the TV above the fireplace which I’m not too crazy about, but it really is the only place it can go with this layout. Maybe we will look into one of the frame TVs so it will blend a little better in the space. I will miss decorating the mantle. It’s hard to tell in the picture but it is really tall! And I can already see my Christmas garland hanging up there!

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, White Grey Marble Tile, Master Bathroom

Here is our master bath. I love the floor tile! We had to have the standard builder mirrors installed, but I hope I can switch those out later on. I think changing out the mirrors makes such a big difference in the look and feel of a bathroom!

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, White Grey Marble Tile, Master Bathroom, Subway Tile Shower
White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, White Grey Marble Tile, Master Bathroom, Subway Tile Shower

I didn’t add pictures of all the bedrooms because they all look the same right now. Just windows and carpet, but I do give a little peek of them in the video!

Listing and showing our current home has been a little bit stressful with toddlers, but we managed to get it done! We accepted an offer and will be closing at the end of the month!

The next video tour I do will probably be of us partially settled in to the new house. Then I can share some of my ideas and dreams and project plans!

White Brick Cottage Farmhouse, New Construction Home, White Brick with White Trim Cedar Beams, Exterior Farmhouse, Build A Nest Chapter Four

I’d love for you to say hello down below and let me know what you think! And if we’re not friends over on Facebook or Instagram, what are you waiting for?! ☺️

Are you on Pinterest? Come follow along for more French cottage inspiration!

Kayla C.

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  1. The house is looking SO GOOD! I agree that the addition of some nice shutters and the painted door like you showed in the mock up, would make it more unique and add a lovely cottage flair. I love the white and natural wood together. I’m so excited to see how you transform this from a lovely house, to the beautiful home you always share.

    1. Hi Tara! Thank you so much! Yes I agree, I for sure need to add the shutters! Thanks so much for following along friend!

  2. Your house is so architecturally inviting. I too love the natural wood element and agree that painting the front door and adding shutters would add more warmth and character.
    I am new to your blog and I am so taken with your sense of design. It’s as though your designs capture the home I’m trying to create. I also love your flooring. Would you please share the name of the flooring and perhaps where it might be purchased?

    1. Hi Judy! Thank you so much! We are really loving it here! Yes, I love the cedar on the outside too! I think I’ve narrowed down my front door colors so I’m excited to get that painted in the next few months! I really appreciate your sweet comment!
      This is the name of the tile, Vicinity VC04 – Brown. Here is a link to it I found online but I don’t know this supplier. I just wanted to be able to share a link to what it looks like! But I think if you do some google searching you might be able to find a retailer or a supplier who can order it for you! I hope this helps!

  3. Hello…we are also building a new home and they haven’t even cleared the lot yet – but we had our design appointment (favorite part) and I FINALLY will get the farmhouse sink I have dreamed about for SO long!! Also, I told my husband (just tonight!!) that although we had the tv wiring added to be built in the wall over the fireplace – I don’t want to put a tv above my farmhouse (cedar?) mantel after all – he totally agreed. I am thinking of having shiplap above the mantle (small area) so I think that will look nice. Also, our kitchen will be a grayish-green looking color/cabinets and then the wood vent hood a darker wood – hopefully it will turn out nice – the designer (with a degree/experience) told my husband it is going to be awesome, hope so since I suggested that. We will have a media room upstairs so we can have the tv there and figure out something to the side/left of fireplace for tv downstairs so we can watch tv as we cook, etc. Well – I have taken up enough of your time as I know you are very busy with family and your new home – wishing you and your family all the best in your new home and many Blessings. Those are just my thoughts on tv above the fireplace and also I like your ideas – your new home is going to be SO nice with your flower box/shutters too. Thanxx again!!

    1. Hi Kay! Oh you are going to LOVE your farmhouse sink. THEY ARE SO WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!!! I agree with the TV above the fireplace. That is the only spot in this house for it, but we are not big fans. Plus I LOVE decorating the mantle so thats a bummer. Maybe Ill slip some decor on either sides of the TV. haha. The shiplap will be beautiful above the fireplace! Yes, green compliments wood tones SO BEAUTIFULLY. It sounds like it will be gorgeous!

  4. Kayla,
    I’m over the moon to have found your blog site. I found you on YouTube by accident and subscribed just a few minutes ago. You are one talented woman!!! Your home that you show on YouTube is so beautiful but soothing to the soul!!! That’s a good thing. I would add the Big Corbels in the doorway, paint my frontdoor, add window boxes and I love the floor and BIG kitchen Sink!!!! You have great taste and you can tell it’s from your heart. Thanks for sharing the Christmas ornament post. I’m hoping to try that. I do want to ask, will all the ornaments inside be silver or mercury looking or will any of the color you put in there grab hold inside the ornament? I told my hubby I wanted to use just ball ornaments this year. We have so many ornaments of every kind but have never just used lights and ball ornaments. I can hardly wait to see your decorating the new home. Congratulations and many happy Blessings to come to your family.

    1. Hi Jean! Thank you so much for the sweet message! So on the ornaments, you will get some of color showing through. So you spraying the looking glass spray in first, then the second color you choose, you will see some of that show through. So I did a bronze color and a copper color on a few! Your Christmas tree sounds like it will be absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much for being here and following along! -Kayla

    1. Hi! So the paint I used was actually made by a woman local to me and unfortunately she is no longer making her paint. The color is VERY similar to the color SAGE by Jolie Paint. I just painted a piece with Jolie Sage and it is GORGEOUS!

  5. Hello! I chose my floors for our new home after yours! Could you share your paint colors for kitchen cabinets and walls? Thank you!

    1. Hi Courtney! Sure kitchen cabinets are painted in the color Snowbound by SW and my island is Functional Gray by SW. I hope this helps and I hope you love your floors!

  6. Could you please tell me what colour the exterior of your house is. We are going to be painting the exterior stucco of our house white and I’m debating on a couple of Sherwin Williams paint colours and curious if you used either of them. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Shannon! Yes the exterior is Origami White by SW! It’s a nice bright white, not too creamy and not too stark! Hope this helps!

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