Building A Nest, Chapter 1. Come on over as I share the new build process and journey from start to finish for our new home/nest!

Hi y’all and welcome back! We have some exciting news to share with y’all this week! We’re building a home! If you’ve been following along for a little while you might know that we currently live in a townhome. This spot was great for us when we didn’t have kiddos, but now that we do and the kids have gotten older, we have really been feeling the need to move!

We’ve kept our eyes peeled for a long time now, but really started looking seriously in January. The housing market in DFW has been so crazy; probably just like it is wherever you are too! It is almost impossible to find a home that isn’t a new build right now, unless you can pay cash and pay well over asking price.

Because of this, we decided to start looking at new construction. This lead us to the most quaint community and development ever! And a builder that I just love, had lots available!

Building A Nest

So in January, we signed a contract with Perry Homes! All of the homes they build are stunning, but I LOVE the exteriors with the tall peaks! Perry Homes are also a really solid, high quality home. The particular plan we chose has 4 bedrooms and 3 baths with an office/game room. AND IT IS ONE STORY, which is probably one of the most exciting parts! HA! All the bedrooms are upstairs in our current home; and let’s just say I never want to repeat newborn twins and stairs. My office is upstairs too, and with product and projects, it just makes for a mess because stuff is scattered. So I know my husband and I are both looking forward to having everything on the same floor!

This is the spec drawing of what our home exterior will look like. The brick will be painted white and the beams above the windows and the little flower boxes will be cedar.

We were also able to make some selections for the home interior finishes. I’ll share some of those selections in a future post, but I can’t wait to see it all come together! Several of the selections are standard, but I think it will be nice to slowly add in fixtures and unique pieces over time. You know…those items that really add a lot of character and make a house a home!

And here is our floor plan if you like looking at those!

Community Ammenities

In regards to the development and the community, it is just lovely and full of fun things to do. In the middle of the community is what they like to call “the square”. It has a greeting house that includes a community workspace, and a little coffee/snack shop. It also has a club house with games, and a covered “barn” that has tennis and basketball courts. The development also has a few parks and a fishing pond right within the community, which will be fun!

Tour The Community + See The Progress

Building A Nest, Chapter One / New Construction Home Process

Building A Nest Progress

So this week they started building walls and I’m hoping that by the end of next week the frame and roof will be completely done! It has been so fun watching the whole process! My husband and I have both been shocked at just how fast it is all coming together.

Here are a few pics of progress from the last several weeks.

We will still need to list and sell the townhome we are currently in before we close on the new home. And that is a little nerve-racking, but we’re praying God puts everything in place and lines up everything just as it needs to be.

So I’ll be sharing another update in a few weeks when some progress has been made! I thought it would be fun to share the process from start to finish of us building our nest. Is this something you think you’ll enjoy?

Building A Nest, Chapter 1
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I’d love for you to say hello down below and let me know what you think! And if we’re not friends over on Facebook or Instagram, what are you waiting for?! ☺️

Are you on Pinterest? Come follow along for more French cottage inspiration!

Kayla C.

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    1. Hi! Thank you for stopping by! I translated your comment and I appreciate your sweet words so much!

  1. How exciting!! Love the plan! I think the game room would be the office for me…and a door from the primary bedroom to that porch, mine would be screened, would be perfect.❤️

    1. Hi Leslie! Thank you so much! Yes I think the game room will be our office too! Oh a door to the porch would be nice!

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